Akademia Muzyczna im. K. Lipińskiego we Wrocławiu należy do Europejskiego Stowarzyszenia Konserwatoriów i Akademii Muzycznych - Association Européenne des Conservatoires, Académies de Musique et Musikhochschulen, zrzeszającego ponad 300 uczelni muzycznych. Akademia bierze czynny udział w prowadzonych przez AEC działaniach dotyczących zarówno sfery merytorycznej procesu kształcenia, jak i organizacji systemu nauczania; jako partner w ramach unijnych programów Stowarzyszenie animuje bowiem prace na rzecz udoskonalania systemu wyższego szkolnictwa muzycznego w Europie.
Więcej informacji na stronie:
Dear AEC members,
Corona epidemic has a tight grip on Europe and there is no end in sight so far. Our thoughts are first with those who are particularly affected, with those who have lost relatives or friends and with those who are infected by the virus. COVID-19 is not only an immediate threat to our health and physical well-being, but also to our economy and to our societies as a whole. Many of the countless small entrepreneurs who are the first to be threatened in their economic existence are artists, musicians and creative people. Almost all of our member institutions had to significantly limit or even shut down their operations. The AEC has been forced to postpone or cancel the events that were scheduled in the coming months. This has been a big disappointment for many, but in the interest of the safety of our members, partners and event participants, we had no other choice.
For the AEC, it remains top priority to support its member institutions - students and teachers, as well as administrative and senior management staff - which might for now first and foremost mean to support them in dealing with the current challenges. Above all, the AEC can provide an excellent and powerful network, which allows its members to jointly work on solutions and to share good practices with each other.
Let's have a look how AEC can support its members and what has already been done so far.
- The AEC Office team has been working online since 17 March, but can still be reached by email and continues to maintain all online offers (platforms, newsletters, social media) as usual;
- The AEC is gathering examples and tips for online solutions in the areas of communication, learning, teaching, webinars, ensemble playing, exams etc. and makes these accessible to its members as a living document;
- The AEC continues to advocate for the interests of its members at EU level and is - together with partner organisations - in close touch with political decision-makers in order to support measures that help limiting the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the cultural sector;
- As part of the SMS project, AEC investigates the particular and unique role of art and culture in times of social crisis.
Let me express my gratitude and respect to the AEC team for ensuring that operations keep going smoothly in these difficult times. We want to reassure you that we will continue to do our best at AEC to help you meet these challenges together.
I wish you health, strength and good luck.
Stay healthy and stay in touch.
Eirik Birkeland
AEC President